Gmail and Outlook Management
for Accountants

Managing email can be a nightmare for accountants. Most accountants waste precious time searching for client emails within their own inbox and across the firm. Liscio ends the search by automatically collating clients emails by both Contact and Client.  Liscio also gives you the power tools to get answers when you need them -- including read receipts and SMS text reminders.

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An image of Liscio's Email Integration for Gmail and Outlook on an ipad frame
Gmail icon
Microsoft outlook icon

Centralizing Your Email Experience

The Email Page offers an exclusive view of your emails, ensuring privacy and efficiency. You'll access all emails received through your provider and be able to associate with contacts in Liscio.

View Email Threads Under Contact or Account

Under the Account or Contact tab you have a comprehensive view of emails tied to a specific contact effortlessly. No more inbox juggling or being copied – firm members can review them instantly. A centralized space empowers your team to stay informed, no forwards or CCs needed.

Dive into the Details

Once you click into an individual email, experience a focused view that isolates the thread. Enjoy an uncluttered space dedicated solely to the email and its associated communication. It's your hassle-free way to engage with messages and stay in the know.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can everyone in my firm access all of my emails?

Absolutely not! Only those email from Clients in Liscio or emails that you've manually added to a Account or Contact will be visible to others within the firm. Only the primary user can view their email page; Emails associated with private Accounts remain visible only to those with access to those Accounts.

What if the email is not from the client, but I still want it on their record?

We understand your needs. Conversing with a parent about their dependent or discussing matters with a Client's legal team? Simply select "Add to Contact" from the menu to associate that message thread (including any future responses to that thread) with their record.

Are Clients able to see emails that have been added to their account?

No, integrated emails are exclusively available to Firm user Accounts. There is no change to the client experience, except for more timely and coordinated communication from your team, of course.

Does this imply that I have two inboxes to manage?

We wouldn't impose that on you! Everything is synced, so if you've already responded and filed the email in your external Gmail or Outlook account, it will not appear on your Liscio email page. These emails will be pulled in, associated with the Account and Contact (if they are from/to a Liscio Contact), and moved to your "done" folder on the email page.

Ready to get started?

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